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A donation option that’s close to home…

January 9th, 2020

What a harrowing start to a new decade.

We have all seen (or experienced) the impact that these tragic bush fires have had on the Australian bush, communities and wildlife.

ASH is owned and operated in Gippsland, and it is for this reason why we want to share with you the amazing work that the Gippsland Emergency Relief Fund (GERF) tirelessly do in a time of need.

The GERF is a volunteer run donation service that puts money in affected families pockets immediately after an emergency. 100% of donations to the GERF goes to cash relief for people who have lost their primary place of residence. This donation is used to get them through while Government and insurance funding is sorted.

It’s easy for those who have been affected, they simply need to apply at a relief centre who then verifies their loss and informs the GERF. The GERF pays within hours.

Here are just some of the amazing efforts the GERF have done so far…

  • Raised over $3.7 million dollars
  • Approved 933 referrals from community members who have lost their homes or experienced severe property damage
  • $2.5 million has already been paid to fire-affected Gippslanders

We understand that not everyone is in the position to donate, so to lend a helping hand, you might like to:

  • Share the incredible work from organisations like GERF on your social media and with family and friends
  • Visit the fire-affected towns and spend money at their local shops and restaurants so they can get back on their feet in the coming years
  • Donate food, clothes, nappies, toiletries, etc. to organisations like Red Cross and Food Bank

We’d also like to give a huge thank you to the amazing firefighters, emergency workers, police, communities and everyday people who have been fighting both on and off the ground. Also, a special thanks to the timber harvesting contractors who have sent equipment and workers up to the fires to help build fire breaks and clean up the fire-affected areas. You are all heroes.

Once the danger is over and the time is right, ASH will be working hard to ensure our voices are heard and the forests are managed to mitigate these unacceptable risks. Until then, everyone please stay safe and lend a hand where you can.