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Glacial Oak

/ Image supplied by AHEC
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America’s favourite American Oak, supplied to Australian requirements.

  • / Easy to work, cut, stain & build
  • / Crown cut (back sawn)
  • / Straightened edge
  • / Fault docked
  • / Stain to suit your needs
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Glacial Oak – ASH’s brand of American Oak. 

Glacial Oak provides improved methods in which America’s favourite hardwood is supplied to Australia. Processed in Victoria, handpicked by region and colour, graded and packed to meet Australian manufacturer’s requirements, Glacial Oak is a stunning yet sustainable hardwood of vast availability. Glacial Oak is consistently blonde in appearance and is closer to that of typical Engineered Oak flooring.

Processed in Australia, Glacial Oak is uniquely available in packs graded to ‘Australian Standards’ and processes. These are then packed into manageable ~1.5m cubic metre packs, set width x set thickness x random lengths, straight line cut after drying and defect docked.

For anyone familiar with American Oak, they know this creates an improved price, well-graded, straight and stable product with no grade surprises – fit for Australia’s volume markets and accessible to all. Glacial Oak is available in a range of profiles for staircase components, DAR & sawn, lining, furniture and joinery, benchtops, windows and doors and solid flooring.

Explore the variety of finishes that can be achieved with Glacial Oak with our comprehensive coating guide.

Benefits of Glacial Oak Timber

Straightened edge
Set dimensioned
Crown Cut (Back Sawn)
Fault docked
~30% saving in waste
Gauged to thickness
Small packs
Sustainable resource
Machines well
Select grade
Stains well

Glacial Oak Characteristics

Colour Blonde to straw
Grain Straight open and even grained with a uniform texture
Density Medium density hardwood 730 KG/m3 at 12% moisture content
Janka 6.0 kN
Unit Shrinkage (KD) Measurable movement in service – Low
Radial: 0.16% of board dimension per 1% moisture content change
Tangential: 0.37% of board dimension per 1% moisture content change
Stability Very Good (back sawn), High (quarter sawn)
Cutting Very Good
Bending Very Good
Glueing Very Good
Lyctus Susceptible Susceptible
Nail Holding Very Good
Durability Above ground – Class 3
Below ground – Class 4
(Refer to IronOak for clear H3 treatment and 25-year decay guarantee)
Fire Refer to Australian Standard AS1530 Part 3 and Building Code of Australia
– Smoke development index: 3
– Flooring AS/ISO 9239.1
– Critical Radiant Heat Flux: 3.7
– Smoke development Rate: Less than 750% -min
– Wall and Ceiling lining AS/NZS3837: 1998
– Average extinction area: less than 250m2/kg
– Material Group No: 3 (unless coated to meet Group 1 & 2)
– Bushfire Attack level: BAL-19 High (BAL-29 and BAL-40 in proprietary systems)


Calculate Carbon Sequestration

Calculate the sequestered CO2 equivalent of your project and the time it takes to regrow the timber.

0.0 kg
Equivalent CO2 captured
0.0 min
Growth rate
The figures for CO2 captured and growth rate used in this calculator were sourced from Wood Solutions, VicForests and AHEC.


We’ve been extremely impressed with the finger jointed Glacial Oak, how well it has been colour-matched, and how well it finishes. As a supplier of handrails, long feed stock is important to us as it is always in demand. It’s been received fantastically by our customers, and we see it being a great complement or alternative to Australian Oak.


American oak is growing 100.7 million m3 per year while the harvest is 52 million m3 per year. 

Glacial Oak uses PEFC Controlled source material to ensure the best practices are met in terms of sustainability.

Glacial Oak is selectively harvested and takes 0.57 seconds to grow 1m3.

Learn more about Sustainability at ASH

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Glacial Oak Uncoated

Frequently asked

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What is Glacial Oak (American Oak)?

Glacial Oak is ASH’s brand of American Oak – the dominant hardwood species grown in the USA. Combined, more than 94.8 million cubic metres of American Oak is grown every year with 54.8 million cubic metres harvested – dwarfing hardwood volumes grown in Australia. The oak forests of USA are therefore increasing by 39.9 million m3 per annum (source 1 + source 2). This vast availability, attractive look and performance of Glacial Oak make it the perfect material for volume and architectural markets – where consistency is required.

American Oak is usually divided into two main categories – ‘American Red Oak’ (Quercus Rubra) or ‘American White Oak’ (Quercus Alba). Each consist of multiple subspecies with varied colour and performance depending on geographical location, climate and growing speed.

What colour is Glacial Oak?

Glacial Oak is different to other American Oak alternatives in the market. It is easily interchangeable for White Oak. It is not as olive-brown in colour as white oak, nor is it pink in colour like typical American Red Oak. It is blonde in appearance – close to that of typical Engineered Oak flooring.

How does Glacial Oak differ in appearance?

Glacial Oak is generally straight grained, crown cut, coarse textured and distinctive in appearance – Glacial Oak can easily be moulded, shaped, laminated, painted or stained to suit your décor needs.

Where is Glacial Oak from?

Glacial Oak (American Oak) is almost exclusively grown in North America and is a dominant species in the U.S. hardwood forests. American Oak trees are tall and are grown both on mountains and low lands giving rise to different characteristics depending on location.

Is Glacial Oak expensive?

Glacial Oak is one of the most affordable American Oak offerings in Australia. By manufacturing it right here in Victoria, we are able to process American Oak the same way we process Australian hardwoods. What does this mean? ASH have done all the hard work for you.

Glacial Oak is straight line cut, fault docked and packed in small, affordable packs. You no longer need to buy volumes of random widths or spend hours docking out defects. This saves at least 30% in actual costs.

Is Glacial Oak sustainable?

Glacial Oak is a sustainable choice. It is a PEFC Controlled source material, is selectively harvested, and oak forests are increasing by 39.9 million m3 ever year. Learn more on the sustainably page.

Is Glacial Oak available in job lots and smaller packs?

Yes, Glacial Oak is available in job lots so manufacturers and furniture makers have access to smaller options and don’t have to store large packs in their factory. Speak to one of our Glacial Oak specialists by calling 03 5139 7070.

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