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Windows & doors

/ Corner House by Archier
Timbers Glacial Oak

Timber windows and doors made from ASH’s brand of American Oak – Glacial Oak – are arguably the best on the market.

Perfect for traditional style homes or architectural masterpieces, hardwood windows are naturally hard-wearing, strong, energy efficient and visually stunning.

Glacial Oak is straight line edged after drying, has minimal pink colouring, is internally scanned for defects and is available either as solid timber or finger-jointed material.

Companies incorporating our hardwood timber in their construction have been able to achieve BAL29 and BAL40 (Bushfire Attack Level) rating, although the timber properties naturally achieve BAL-19 without additional tests.

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Glacial Oak (American Oak)

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Glacial Oak Uncoated

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What BAL rating does Glacial Oak (American Oak) windows have?

Glacial Oak naturally has a BAL rating of 12.5 and 19, however, properties incorporating our hardwood timber in their construction have been able to achieve BAL 29 and BAL40 rating.

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What are the benefits of Glacial Oak windows and doors?
  • Double the hardness of western red cedar.
  • Higher natural BAL rating than cedar or meranti.
  • Excellent thermal and insulation properties superior to other materials like aluminium, steel or concrete.
  • More durable than many other popular timbers in above ground applications.
  • Natural material – renewable, energy efficient and will assist in reducing green-house emissions when swapping with high embodied energy materials.
  • Quarter sawn stability for the most demanding applications.
  • Sustainable regrowth resource.
  • A single-glazed Glacial Oak window will outperform its non-timber competitors for Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and insulation (U-Value).
  • Being a medium density hardwood it is naturally BAL12.5 and BAL19 (Bushfire Attack Level) and a great thermal insulator.
  • It is also more stable, straight and dent resistant than most timber windows, consistent in colour, and does not have knots.
  • Strong nail and screw holding ability (great for security).
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