With the recent announcement by the Victorian Government, all Victorian native hardwood sawlogs will cease to be available from January 1, 2024. However, many sawmills, including ASH, have not received logs from Victoria since late-2022.
One hundred percent of Victorian-grown Victorian ash/Tasmanian Oak, Messmate, Silvertop Ash, Stringybark and Wormy Chestnut will cease to exist – unless we see a drastic change in policy. Those buying Tasmanian Oak or hardwood are also impacted as a significant volume of the supply chain sells Victorian-grown hardwoods under those trading names.
As a result, a significant change from these species is necessary for a large portion of the affected manufacturing supply chain. ASH are no exception. With reductions due to reach manufacturers starting November 2023, and accelerate month-on-month, ASH have been heavily researching and investing in possible solutions for the past six years to deliver the best possible replacement to meet market demand and needs.
We firmly believe Glacial Oak is the solution.
After significant time and investment by ASH to research the best and most viable alternatives to Victorian hardwood, including a global study, we are confident to launch what we believe to be the best solution for the vast majority in our supply chain.
The solution is Glacial Oak.
Glacial Oak is ASH’s brand of American Oak (Q. rubra) from a very specific, slow-growing region in Northern America. Hand picked by colour and grade then milled in Heyfield to the quality and performance of timber expected from ASH. Glacial Oak is a stunning yet sustainable hardwood of vast availability.
“Now sold direct from ASH to Victorian manufacturers at the same price as Victorian ash select grade*
Quality – Reliability – Attractive – Affordable – Set dimension – Well graded – Price stability – Compliance to Australian requirements
Glacial Oak ticks all the boxes.
These features have made Victorian species so highly desired. With Glacial Oak, we’ve been able to match this value proposition.
Glacial Oak offers an exceptional alternative that will meet your timber needs seamlessly. What makes Glacial Oak truly remarkable is its similarity to Victorian hardwood in terms of supply, performance and colour. In fact, Glacial Oak surpasses Victorian ash in aesthetics and workability. You can expect the same versatility, durability and timeless appeal that you’ve come to love – with added benefits.
Importantly, unlike most plantation hardwoods investigated, Glacial Oak exceeds the 650kg/m3 requirement for BAL-12.5 and BAL-19 compliance.
We understand the importance of pricing stability for Victorian businesses. To ensure a smooth transition, ASH are committed to supplying Victorian manufacturers with Glacial Oak at the same rate as Victorian ash select grade*. Manufacturers can continue delivering outstanding products without compromising the bottom line*.
Furthermore, for Victorian manufacturers ASH have restructured the avenue-to-market to provide a direct line of supply. By bypassing intermediaries, ASH aim to streamline the process and pass on the cost savings directly to the manufacturer. This creates a reliable and efficient source of timber and helps us navigate a transition by working together.
Our commitment to providing a seamless transition extends to our delivery method. Just like Victorian ash, Glacial Oak packs are dimensionally straight and gauged to thickness. Set-width, set-thickness, random length packs. We understand the importance of consistency and reliability in manufacturing, which is why we ensure that Glacial Oak meets these expectations every time.
Rest assured, ASH have invested heavily in stock, with thousands of packs ready for inspection. If you’re interested in exploring this transition to an arguably superior product at the same rate*, ASH invite you to contact our sales team who will provide you with all the information you need and even arrange a tour of our Heyfield (Victoria only) facility, where you can witness the quality and consistency of thousands of cubic meters of Glacial Oak firsthand.
Contact sales at sales@ash.com.au or call 03 5139 7001.
"*" indicates required fields