Like a bunch of excited kids on Christmas eve, we’ve opened our present a little bit early and you can understand why.
Australian Sustainable Hardwoods will have an increased capacity to effectively batch set length orders in both solid and finger jointed boards. Before today, batching set length jobs was performed by hand on the grading line which is both costly and time consuming but also places constraints on space within the dry mill.
In one seamless motion, our new process line will take random length Vic Ash under the GoodWood brand and automatically dock, batch and stack multiple set lengths of solids, fault dock and finger join all the offcuts, then batch and dock those. A great example is to load random length 125 x 50 in the front end and out the back will come solid glass door mould for window manufacturers, set length feed stock for dowel producers, stock for internal door jamb sets and finger jointed 108 x 19 flooring… And this is just one size! For appearance purposes the joint shows up as a straight line across the face of the board which makes it perfect for architectural and furnishing design.
What this means for the customer/manufacturer is a whole range of new products previously unavailable or too costly in Victorian ash. Some of the products include
Let me put this in perspective. We could make all the length components for your chair, table or side board (including the top). Say good by to short lengths of architraves in the merchants rack. Increase the speed of laying floors by buying long lengths and cutting on site. No more waste for large manufacturers of windows and doors.
The list goes on in ways to save the manufacturer money, increase productivity, reduce waste, reduce risk and increase health and safety. Best of all, it increases value to our environmentally friendly product and keeps our manufacturers competitive on a world scale.
Come take a look when you can. Arrange a time with your distributor and tell them you want to learn how we can help stream line your business.
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