Completed in 2017, the Old Be-al house is a beautifully classic home, heavily influenced by its eucalypt landscape. Located in Melbourne’s inner-east is this single story brick veneer home named ‘Old Be-al’ after the Mallee river redgum at the rear of the home.
Melbourne locals FMD Architects designed this residential home using their methodology of conducting ‘extensive research into materials and product development, which equips them with a knowledge to develop rich and inventive architecture’. FMD Architects are an architectural practice with experience in commercial, hospitality and residential architecture. FMD states “we add value through an insightful creative process to produce a unique response to each project”.
FMD Architects completed the brief of a two-bedroom, two-bathroom house including the addition of flowing living spaces whilst honouring the heritage of the existing dwelling. FMD Architects explain “underpinning our design notions and considerations for this home were two instinctual ideas: that of our client’s fondness for ‘Old Be-al’ and associated desire for an enhanced connection between the house and the old growth eucalypt landscape; and our own determined appreciation for the house’s original brickwork, something we hoped to celebrate and re-cast within the existing dwelling”.
GoodWood Victorian ash (eucalyptus delegatensis & eucalyptus regnans) windows were used to aid the connection between the surrounding eucalyptus trees and the house. Fiona Dunin from FMD Architects adds “we used Victorian ash windows for its durability as well as to create visual continuity between the interior and exterior materials”. Durable in its structure and versatile in its appearance, Victorian ash is commonly used for windows and doors across Australia.
Having used Victorian ash before, FMD Architects were not shy to specify this sustainable material. “We use Vic ash extensively as solid flooring, veneers as well as window joinery” as explained by Fiona at FMD. GoodWood Victorian ash offers an entire range of profiles for architects and builders to create a continuous flow of design inside to out.
Like what you’ve read? Check out the GoodWood range here.
Architect – FMD Architects
Builder – Dimpat Construction
Windows – Saxon Windows
Photography – John Gollings
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