The Ultimate Renewable campaign provides a universal, positive communications message for the timber industry to collectively get behind.
This new campaign promotes the timber manufacturing and forestry industry by reinforcing the message that timber is more than just a renewable resource. Throughout various marketing channels, The Ultimate Renewable will promote the sustainability and environmental advantages of Australia’s forest and wood products industry.
“The word ‘renewable’ is only really used to discuss energy or recyclables” says ASH’s Marketing Manager, Megan Para. “But none of them have the credentials of timber. In comparison, wood and wood products are the Ultimate Renewable”.Forest & Wood Products Australia (FWPA) partnered with Planet Ark and award winning architect Peter Maddison to deliver a brand that will work in educating the public about the many environmental benefits that timber offers.
“While some architects and designers may still have trouble deciphering the messages around timber and construction, more and more are recognising the benefits of using this wondering material” as said by Peter Maddison.
Here is the Ultimate Renewable 30 second campaign, as seen on TV and digital platforms:
If you are a part of the timber and wood products industry or want to support The Ultimate Renewable brand, download the logos here.
To learn more about the benefits of using Australian grown timber, visit
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